Rain Bringer

You are Jiang Cheng, eventual heir to Lotus Pier, and a river dragon who, you know, brings rain.


When the storm dragon Zidian fell in love with the human Jiang Fengmian, she came to the mortal realm to court him. Never revealing her true form to him, the two wed and had two children, both dragons like her. However, like she had hidden herself from her husband, Zidian (now named Yu Ziyuan) taught her children how to hide their forms and protected them with her magic, so Jiang Fengmian wouldn't learn something he wasn't prepared for. The world is filled with magical creatures, but for those unaware of them, they're hidden in plain sight.

All the same, wherever and whenever she could, Yu Ziyuan would take her children to meet others like them. She had been so dreadfully lonely living among humans, and she didn't want that for her children.

Jiang Yanli showed her abilities from the very start, able to conjure flowers wherever she crawled; the sign of a spring dragon. Jiang Cheng, however, spent most of his time eating and sleeping as a small child. It wasn't until later in life that it was revealed he's more like his mother, a rain dragon who controls the flow of rivers.

Now, though he focuses on his studies, he's embraced his power and takes the time to fly around the country, bringing prosperity to the different rivers flowing through the land.


-Based on/set in this AU (forgive the shitty theme)

-Other characters will most likely gradually appear, like family and friends, mostly other creatures.

-No consistent schedule, this isn't a daily account and the people involved are mainly on other accounts.

-Art style WILL vary. Two people are behind this first of all but second the primary artist can never settle on a style. Many doodles of many kinds.

-Though Jiang Cheng is of age (as are the muns), he will sometimes appear as his younger self/ be drawn as a lil dude. Please for the love of god don't try to engage with him in any sort of mature way unless it's clear he's an adult!

-Speaking of that, best to keep that sort of content to a minimum, or confined to DMs.

-Two people run this account, DJ and James. DJ does most of the doodling and James does most of the writing but it's all the same, really. We are One Entity.

-Please be respectful and have fun!